How to Donate

If you wish to donate to support Two Rivers, you may do so via Interac eTransfer. Send payment to or contact us to receive instructions. You can also send a cheque made out to Two Rivers Insight Meditation at Two Rivers Insight Meditation, 823 McMillan Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3M 0T1.
If you attend sessions in person at St. Peter’s Church, you may place your offering of cash or a cheque into the dana container that is placed on the table on your right as you enter the hall.
Your contributions are gratefully accepted.

The Tradition of Dana

All of our online dharma sessions, retreats, and classes are offered freely under an ancient practice known as dana. Dana is a Pali word which is usually translated as “generosity.” The teachings are given freely because they are considered priceless.
Dana is an important practice in itself, a means of expressing gratitude and of freeing the heart and mind. It also ensures that no one is barred from receiving teachings due to lack of means.